Anger has a message. What is it trying to tell you?!

Everybody gets angry at some point. Anger a normal, healthy response to any physical or perceived threat. Yet if you are feeling angry and frustrated much of the time, this may indicate that some part of your life is out of balance. Anger management counselling, education, and support can help you understand and manage your anger to live a more satisfying life. Studies indicate a high percentage of clients report a medium to long-term benefit after a brief course of anger management counselling. Rather than reacting aggressively to situations, you will learn how to safely understand and manage your anger. Rather than hurting or distancing your partner, family or friends, you will gain skills to process your anger safely, and express yourself more clearly.

Anger management does not deny or repress your anger, as this can lead to the familiar build up and explosion results. You learn to express your anger appropriately. This keeps you and others safe. Expressed appropriately, anger may address injustices, improve our close and familiar relationships, and motivate us towards other healthy changes. Unfiltered expressions of anger – from simple arguments to out-of-control rage – reduce your ability to think clearly and open unpleasant doorways. Anger management counselling works as it addresses your core issues that influence damaging anger. You gain skills in identifying why you’re feeling angry and how to process this effectively.

Anger is a STOP sign that point to other feelings such as hurt, fear, shame, grief, disappointment, frustration, and shame. Identifying underlying concerns and blocked goals, learning to recognise anger triggers, and practising acting rather than reacting – these are some key benefits to successful anger management.

Experience shows that of the human emotions of sadness, fear, and anxiety – anger may be the most difficult emotion to master. Life and love can be stressful, so the need safely process feelings of anger are very important. James Ising Counselling anger management counselling will assist you in mastering these key skills.


Anger management counselling

If you frequently find yourself feeling angry, some areas in your life may be in need of attention. Suppressing those angry feelings, or acting out aggressively in anger – verbally or physically – is not the solution to life’s difficulties. It is important to acknowledge that anger stems from our own thoughts, feelings and behaviours rather than other people’s behaviour. Anger management counselling aims to draw your attention to your own personal traits and triggers; this awareness will help you to take back control and behave in ways that are consistent with your values.

Anger management counselling is built around the idea of ceasing to use anger as a habitual way of managing everyday feelings. The goal of anger management counselling is to establish helpful and constructive behavioural ways of managing anger when it arises, and to better regulate your emotions.

James Ising anger management specialists help individuals, couples and families address a range of concerns arising from anger management issues. If you or someone you know is struggling with anger, James Ising anger management counselling will give you the tools you need to:

  • Reduce your anger and stress levels
  • Communicate effectively
  • Consistently behave in ways that get your needs met – without hurting other people in the process

Anger management courses

We offer tailored one-on-one sessions for those who are seeking to participate in an anger management course. These intensive courses are approximately 6 to 12 weeks in duration. Our unique James Ising anger management course will help you to:

  • Identify underlying causes of your anger
  • Recognise your personal high risk triggers, and start using practical tools to effectively manage your anger in these situations
  • Address the impact of your behaviour on family members and others
  • Develop skills to create positive outcomes from conflict situations and destructive interactions
  • Break the cycle of anger by adopting new behavioural practices

A James Ising anger management specialist will work with you within the context of your individual situation. By encouraging you to develop practical strategies to recognise your emotional triggers and modify your behavioural responses, we can help you maintain a healthy balance between your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. Our anger management course will help you identify, create and maintain positive change in your life.

Our clients

Our Anger Management clients range from children and adolescents to adults, all struggling to cope with anger in their own unique ways. Common presenting issues include:

  • Conflict, unresolved arguments and communication breakdowns within relationships and families
  • Emotional and behavioural issues in children and adolescents
  • Work-related disputes and concerns
  • Domestic violence perpetrators
  • Domestic violence victims
  • Public violence such as road rage and assaults
  • One-off incidents, as well as entrenched patterns of behaviour
  • Anger problems associated with drug or alcohol use

Anger management issues rarely occur in isolation. Depression, anxiety, substance use and stress often accompany struggles with anger. All of our James Ising anger management specialists are expertly trained in other areas of treatment, and can help you address a range of issues through individually tailored anger management counselling.

Anger and behaviour

Anger is often a red flag, a storm warning on our emotional barometer. For some people, anger is a feeling that can quickly spiral out of control. If left unchecked or allowed to build over time, feelings of anger can erupt in a sudden rage of words and/or actions. We all know the feeling of doing or saying something in the heat of the moment that we bitterly regret afterwards. Incidents that may seem trivial in retrospect often trigger uncontrollable anger being expressed in unsafe ways, with harmful, long lasting consequences.

Below are some examples of common ways that internal feelings of anger manifest as outward behaviour:

  • Arguments
  • Passive-aggressive behaviour (internalised anger)
  • Road rage
  • Workplace conflict
  • Sporting incidents
  • Public violence
  • Drug and alcohol fuelled rage
  • Destruction of objects and property
  • Domestic violence: emotional, psychological, and physical

These expressions of anger vary in degrees of intensity and aggression, but they all have one thing in common: they have the potential to destroy our reputation, damage professional relationships and deeply hurt the ones we love.

Anger and gender

Although people express anger in a range of ways, research shows that there are distinct, socially conditioned gender norms that influence the way men and women handle feelings of anger.

Women frequently report feeling angry when their core values and beliefs have been violated, especially in intimate relationships. Culturally, women have been conditioned to suppress anger. Yet internalising anger often leads to harmful passive-aggressive behaviour and stress-related illnesses including anxiety, insomnia and digestive disorders.

Men predominantly report feelings of anger when they feel unable to control or fix interpersonal issues and practical problems. Biologically, men also have a very strong physical response when angry. Although many men report having learned to react to potential conflict by withdrawing, anger creates unreleased tension that may discharge through physical acts of frustration (throwing something, yelling). Men in particular are at increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke if their anger isn’t handled constructively.

Of course women may also act out their anger, and men may internalize their feelings too. Regardless of gender, both men and women frequently report feelings of depression, guilt, shame and self-blame about their anger issues – especially if an angry outburst has hurt or caused others pain.

What can I expect in an anger management session?

Your initial session with your James Ising counsellor or psychologist is often used to establish a clear understanding of your personal situation, and formulate an individualised treatment plan. Together, you and your counsellor will:

  • Identify your habitual anger ‘triggers’ – these may involve certain people, situations, or feelings
  • Determine how your thought patterns affect your behaviour, and show you how adopting new patterns can work to your advantage
  • Identify new ways to manage stressors in your life, including lifestyle adjustments
  • Work towards improving your relationship with yourself and others

James Ising anger management counsellors and psychologists use evidence-based interventions such as solutions-focused therapy and stress reduction techniques to help our clients address anger management concerns. By far, the most effective evidence-based treatment for anger management is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Research shows that CBT is an incredibly useful anger management tool. In a recent analysis of multiple CBT trials, 76% of clients reported a medium to long-term improvement in anger management capabilities compared to control groups. These results show there is real hope for those struggling with anger management. James Ising anger management counselling can help you reduce your anger levels, and regain control of your emotions and behaviour.

Specialist anger management counsellors and psychologists

Seeking expert support is crucial for those struggling to manage their anger. Setting achievable goals and implementing effective strategies are the keys to regulating your emotional responses effectively, and living a life free of unnecessary conflict and stress.

James Ising accredited anger management counsellors and psychologists are qualified, experienced and competent to provide you with the specialist services you need.

A letter of participation is available for all James Ising anger management services.